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News > School News > Head's Review 14 06 2024

Head's Review 14 06 2024

Keeping up with everything going on at Roedean.
17 Jun 2024
School News

Last Monday, six of our intrepid students embarked on a relay swim across the Channel to France. Students ranging from Years 7 – 12, each swam for at least one hour in the sea and managed to make it about halfway to France! Unfortunately, it was at this point that the weather changed, forcing them to abandon the swim. Although they must be incredibly disappointed, they all did amazingly well and we are all very proud of what they have achieved.

140 students in Years 8 and 10 completed their Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions last week, demonstrating navigation, campcraft and all-important teamwork skills. At the same time 36 students from Years 7 and 8 headed to the Welsh coast to study environmental issues and sustainability. It was also many of these same girls who then went on to take part in the Year 7 charity abseil which saw the students abseil down the cliffs at Peacehaven to raise funds for the Rockinghorse Children’s Charity - it certainly was a week full of adventures and challenges!

Finally, well done to all those students who took part in the Drama and Music Showcases. It was wonderful to see an extract from our upcoming production of a Midsummer Night’s Dream, LAMDA and GCSE pieces, along with some musical theatre. The Year 7 students performed beautifully as they showed what they have learnt as part of the Year 7 Instrumental Project.

You can read more about these and other stories in the full Head's review below. 


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