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News > School News > Head's Review 17 05 2024

Head's Review 17 05 2024

Keeping up with everything going on at Roedean.
20 May 2024
School News

Last week, we hosted the Girls’ Schools Association conference for the Southeast and welcomed twenty-two Heads to Roedean. It was a really productive day and the conference took place in our impressive new library during the morning with the Heads enjoying a tour of our beautiful School in the afternoon. 

Our intrepid Roedean Saturday Sailors enjoyed their first sailing fixture with Lancing College last Saturday. They enjoyed a good warm up before successfully sailing together in a line of seven boats around a course demonstrating great boat handling skills. They are already looking forward to the next fixture and hoping for a race!

The Roedean Dance Showcase was fantastic and featured 18 short pieces of dance from a wide range of styles with many choreographed by the students themselves. Year 8 students who had been taking part in a Bollywood workshop, also had the chance to perform and show off what they had been learning.

You can read more about these and other stories in the full Head’s Review below.


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