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News > School News > Head's Review 07 06 2024

Head's Review 07 06 2024

Keeping up with everything going on at Roedean.
10 Jun 2024
School News

Last Thursday marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day with the School holding a poignant Chapel service in the Front Quad. The school community stood together in silence looking out to sea, recreating the moment members of HMS Vernon watched the boats pass on their way to the French coast. ORA President, Noëlle Chase, then presented the School with the recently conserved white ensign, which was given to the Roedean by HMS Vernon and originally flew from the School’s flagpole on D-Day 1944.

It was lovely to welcome so many visitors to Roedean last week, including an excited group of new girls from years 7-9, all taking part in activities ahead of starting their Roedean journey in September. We also welcomed 57 students from Peacehaven Heights Academy. The students took part in an activity day which involved spending time on the farm, a Shakespeare theatre workshop, and even forensic testing in Biology!

Finally, we are waiting to hear if our intrepid Channel swimming team will head off this week. From Tuesday, if the weather conditions and tides are suitable, they will set off on their relay swim to France. They have been training incredibly hard and we wish them the very best of luck.

You can read more about these and other stories in the full Head's Review below.


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