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News > School News > Head's Review 24 05 2024

Head's Review 24 05 2024

Keeping up with everything going on at Roedean.
29 May 2024
School News

Last week, with two year groups in public examinations and four year groups in end of year assessments, it certainly felt quieter than usual around School during a week of strong academic focus. The students have worked incredibly hard, and they are no doubt enjoying their well-deserved half term break.

Students from Years 7 and 8, headed to the home ground of Surrey Storm for a full day of Netball. They enjoyed some excellent coaching, followed by small-sided games, and finally finished the day watching Surrey Storm take on Seven Stars in an exciting and nail-biting game.

It has been great to see that our Sea Swimmers’ training is going well ahead of the Cross-Channel Relay next month. They headed to Bewl Water Boathouse where they took part in two swims, one for 90 minutes and the other for 60 minutes – they persevered and did brilliantly!

You can read more about these and other stories in the full Head’s Review below.


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