The inspection checked the schools’ regulatory compliance according to Department for Education requirements, and the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools. As part of the inspection the inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They also held discussions with members of staff, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Council, as well as visiting the boarding houses and attending registration and Chapel. In each part, the inspection reports simply on whether the required standard is MET or NOT MET, and we are delighted to say that the inspection found that the School met every one of the required standards in 637 areas of regulation. The inspectors also carried out a survey of approximately 400 parents, 600 pupils and 200 staff. Although the results of the surveys are fully confidential, the inspectors were able to share the general findings, which showed an astonishing 94% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the positive survey statements. With 1200 individual responses from across the school community on every area of school life, this provides a thorough review of the School from those who experience it and live and work in it every day.
The Headmaster says ‘Working alongside such dynamic, conscientious and talented girls and colleagues every day, we see first-hand the quality and commitment that makes Roedean such an outstanding school. To provide an environment where every student is safe, supported and can flourish requires an astonishing amount of conscientious work by every member of our community. It is wonderful to have this confirmed and acknowledged by an in-depth review and assessment by an external body of highly-trained specialists. Roedean is a wonderful school, but it is only so because of the positive and supportive nature of this community and the input of those who have the education and welfare of all our girls at the heart of their vision. I hope that Roedean will continue to go from strength to strength in the coming years.'
The full report is available to download from the school website or please email
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