Congratulations to everyone for getting to the end of the second week of term! Every girl has done or experienced something new, met someone new, and challenged themselves to try a new activity. On Sunday House 2 enjoyed a brilliant game of bubble football. They had great fun bouncing around on the new Astro! House 1 made a start on the Macmillan Coffee Morning preparations at the weekend. Ten jars of House 1 Secret Ingredient Marmalade were made to sell. In other news, Year 10 had an early start on Tuesday to travel to the Forest of Dean for an exciting and challenging few days in the wilderness. The programme included caving, canoeing and climbing, which were a brilliant opportunity for the girls to overcome their fears and try something new. And finally, thank you so much to Keswick for hosting the entire boarding community at the weekend for a night of Karaoke and dancing together.