Well done to those who have had A Level and GCSE examinations this week. On Tuesday the Year 7s had the chance to showcase what they have learnt this year as part of the School instrumental project. On Thursday, Roedean headed to the K2 stadium in Crawley to defend their Junior Sussex Track and Field Cup title at the annual competition which involves over 24 schools. It was an incredible day with a new mix of Year 7s and 8s making up the Juniors as the Year 9s moved on to the Inter competition. In other news, 9P had a very successful day at the Brighton & Hove Book Fayre in All Saints’ Hall last Saturday. With support from ORs of various generations, the girls managed to raise £106 for Pitch Perfect by selling books from their stall. And finally, City Academy Whitehawk brought 12 of their budding scientists to Roedean for a masterclass in Biology last Friday.