Head's Weekly Review 22 11 19
Keeping up with everything going on at Roedean.
It’s been another busy and varied week at Roedean. On Thursday, Roedean hosted a Hockey Experience Day, featuring one of our Sports Ambassadors, Olympic Gold medallist, Kate Richardson-Walsh. Over 90 pupils experienced the variety of opportunities that Roedean Sport has to offer. Last Saturday, seven Year 13 Politics students attended Croydon High’s annual Model United Nations Conference. Our students were excellent delegates, tasked with representing Finland and Hungary. There were plenty of spirited debates, as delegates from over 25 schools discussed topics from deforestation to LGBT rights. On Thursday 14 November, four students represented Roedean at the regional Senior Team Maths Challenge competition at Lancing College. The competition is organised by the UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) and the AMSP (Advanced Mathematics Support Programme), and consists of three rounds of demanding Maths activities. In other news, the Galliard Ensemble visited Roedean for a Wind and Brass masterclass last Monday. Not only were they exceptional players and performers, but they were also fantastic teachers. Everyone really enjoyed the experience, especially playing with the group. And finally, it was fantastic to see so many examples of national dress and girls wearing something of cultural significance on Friday for International Day.